Saturday, July 21, 2007

We are home!!!

So we are home sweet home!! It is so nice to be home in my own bed...BUT I'm not sleeping in it. Olivia wants to sleep all day and play all night. It is just going to take some time to adjust to the time change. In the long run, it is all so well worth it. She is just amazing and his bonding with her big sister very well. We had an absolutely amazing journey. We will never forget it. As soon as things slow down, I'm hoping to do a huge slide show of our amazing journey. As of now, family and friends in and out all weekend. No rest for the wicked!!
Talk soon!!!


Samantha said...

Hi Shirley! Miss you guys! I got so used to seeing you every day! I hope Olivia gets turned around quickly. On Lilly's disposable camera I am pretty sure we have a photo of Ms. olivia with the director of the orphanage. I think they got confused as to what camera went with what child. Lilly is doing very well. We did get up for the day at 4:30 but overall things are going very well!

Anonymous said...

hi shirley..
just leaving for your house.
cant wait to see olivia!

Ana said...

Dear Shirley,
I'm Ana, from Spain, LID 10/08/2005 and mom to beautiful Bo Yu. Last week I saw my baby's picture for the firs time. I don't need to explain you how I felt! She is in Poyang SWI and I am desperately trying to get some information about this orphanage.
I hope you won't bother my asking if your lovely Olivia is from Poyang or if you know anybody who had recently received a baby from this orphanage.
If you, or anybody else could contact me I would be delighted. My e-mail is:
Congratulations for having Olivia with you! She's so cute...

LisaBB said...

Welcome home fellow travellers!!
We have bags under our eyes bigger than our baby.
Enjoy your home full of love and devil dogs!!

LisaBB said...

Welcome home fellow travellers!!
We have bags under our eyes bigger than our baby.
Enjoy your home full of love and devil dogs!!

Steffie B. said...

I remember the terrible jet lag. Take care of yourself during this transition time. It will all work itself out soon!

Colleen said...

Just wanted to check in say hi and miss ya!

Emmie said...

can't wait to see all the pics! hang in there, adjusting back a home is always a bit difficult cut it all gets better for sure!
so glad your home safe and sound!

Anonymous said...

Hey.. time for another post/photo.. ya think?? No .. you do not have to post this one on the blog.. just being silly.. ha ha
I keep checking for the photos of us doing the exersaucer!!

Wendy said...

Please let me know how you managed to get her switched over to the time change... Any advise would be great..