Monday, December 10, 2007

First haircut!!!

We went over to my friend Maria's, who is a hairdresser,for Olivia's first hair cut. Let's just say..she wasn't having any part of it. So, I had to put her on my lap so she can finish cutting. She needed a haircut so bad. Her bangs had this funky point to them..and we needed to even them out. Maria will tell you they are a bit too short, because Olivia kept on moving..haha..I think they are perfect!! She looks adorable...


Wendy said...

She looks so cute... with those bangs.. Merry Christmas

Steffie B. said...

Too cute.....Sophia LOVES getting her hair done now and the boy is actually doing better too! WHEW....can't have freakish looking Things now can I?????

Samantha said...

She looks great!

Colleen said...

SOOOO cute! Hannah needs a trimming too - just afraid.